Supported Xpand Portal API filter operators

Xpand Portal API supports the following filter operators:

Filter operator Alias Description Note
eq = Equals  
neq != Does not equal  
startswith Starts with (specific predefined text)  
contains Contains  
doesnotcontain Does not contain  
endswith Ends with  
lt < Is less than  
lte <= Is less than or equals  
gt > Is greater than  
gte >= Is greater than or equals  
blank   Is blank (does not have value) Takes into account only the current field information*
nb notblank Is not blank (has value)  



*To filter data by a field, ensure that all documents contain this field, i.e. the field was present in a document during synchronization. Otherwise, old documents that don't have this field will not be taken into account.
Workaround: you can use a different field to filter data, the one that is present in all documents.