Release notes for version

Version of Xpand Portal introduces the following features and improvements:

Infinite scrolling (US6096)

A new grid page setting was added that allows you to enable the design pattern in which page records are loaded continuously as the member scrolls down the grid, rather than having to navigate to the next page of the grid. This allows for a seamless browsing experience without the need for the member to select the navigational buttons to switch to the next page when the maximum number of records on the current grid page is loaded.

If this setting is enabled, we recommend hiding the page navigation-related controls (the Hide page number, Hide navigation buttons, and Hide grid statistics settings) or hiding the grid footer (the Hide footer setting).

GDPR Compliance (MVP) (US6118, US5991)

The following GDPR-related changes were made:

  • A cookie consent banner was added that informs visitors about the use of cookies and asks them to give consent for the website to use cookies. The banner is displayed in the following cases:
    • When the member visits Xpand Portal for the first time.
    • When the member has cleared the browser cache and cookies.
    • When the member visits the Xpand Portal in Incognito mode.
  • A cookie usage consent log was added (CMS > Members > Cookies Consent Log tab). This log allows the portal administrator to see which members have already given consent for the portal to use cookies as well as when the member gave or refused their consent. 


If necessary, the cookies usage consent log can also be displayed on the front end. In this case, use the CookiesConsentLog entity as a data source for a grid page.

We have an expiration date for cookies usage consent (6 months by default).

  • On the sign-in page, a check box was added where the member must consent to the processing of their personal data as well as to the company's privacy policy. A link to the company's privacy and cookies policy, which is customizable, is also added to the footer of the sign-in page.
  • A privacy policy consent log was added (CMS > Members > Privacy Consent Log tab). This Xpand Privacy Policy Consent log allows the portal administrator to see which members have already given consent for the processing of their personal data as well as agreed to the Xpand Privacy Policy, and when.

If necessary, the privacy policy consent log can also be displayed on the front end. In this case, use the PrivacyPolicyConsentLog entity as a data source for a grid page.

Personalized notification setup (US4031)

The notification setup was improved. Previously, when notifications (portal or email) were configured for a member group(s), all members in those groups always received notifications.

Now if a member was added to a notification group by an administrator, they are allowed to adjust notification setup for themselves by turning off notifications of a specific type directly from the front end (in the member menu, select Manage notifications).

After a notification setup card is configured and saved by a portal administrator where notification groups are assigned in the Notify Groups setting, this notification setup card becomes available for personalization on the Manage notifications page for all members that belong to the assigned member groups.

When a portal member opens a notification setup card from their member menu, they can clear the Enable Email Notification and/or Enable Portal Notification check box to turn off notifications of the corresponding type for themselves. This will not affect the notification setup of other members. Other notification card setup settings are read-only for members and can be adjusted only by portal administrators.

Also, a note was added to notifications with a tip that the member can unsubscribe from that specific notification and a link to the notification setup page where they can manage notification subscription. 

Ability to subscribe to changes on multiple pages that use the same entity as data source (US6002)

Previously, if multiple pages used one and the same entity as data source, members could only subscribe to changes on one of such pages to receive notifications about changes because portal admins couldn’t set up notification subscription entities with the same entity or they had to use additional filters/conditions.

Now, we added the ability to set up multiple notification subscription entities for one and the same entity, with different pages. As a result, this enables members to subscribe to changes on multiple pages that use the same entity as a data source. Page filters can still be used as additional filters in the background.

Site notification subscription entities setup where multiple subscription entities are configured for one and the same entity and different pages.

Examples of different notification setup cards where these notification subscription entities are used to define the page that the member is subscribed to:

Bug Fixes

Various issues have been fixed throughout Xpand Portal.