
The comments functionality provides members with the ability to communicates and collaborate on portal pages by adding comments. Depending on the comments setup, comments can be either related to a selected record or to the whole page.

The ability to add comments can be added to grid pages, detail pages as well as the home page.


For this feature to be available on a page, it must be configured, and the role that you belong to must have permissions to use these functions on that page. 

An example of comments on a detail page (related to the selected record).

Add a comment

To add a comment:

  1. On the page where the comments feature is configured, select the record about which you want to add a comment. If comments are configured in such a way that comments are not linked to the selected record, skip the record selection step.
  2. In the message field, type your comment.
  3. Select the  icon to post the comment.

Reply to a comment

You can reply to existing comments. Replies are indented to the right in relation to the parent comment.

To reply to a comment:

  1. On the page where the comments feature is configured, select the record where you want to reply to a comment. If comments are configured in such a way that comments are not linked to the selected record, skip the record selection step.
  2. Select the Reply button (or the  icon depending on the level of replies) on the comment that you want to reply to.
  3. In the message field that appears, type your reply, and then select the  icon to post it or the  icon to cancel.

Show/hide replies

You can hide the replies to a comment or show previously hidden replies by selecting HIDE REPLIES or SHOW REPLIES on the comment with replies correspondingly. The number in brackets specifies how many replies the comment has.

Delete a comment

You can delete comments or replies that were posted by you. To delete you comment or reply, select the  icon on the comment or reply that you want to delete. The icon is only available on comments/replies posted by you.



Deleting a comment/reply that has replies will also delete its replies. 

Sort comments

You can sort comments by selecting one of the sorting options at the top of the comments block:

  • NEWEST - The comments are sorted by comment date where the latest comments are shown on top.
  • OLDEST - The comments are sorted by comment date where the oldest comments are shown on top.
  • AUTHOR (A-Z) - The comments are sorted by author name in the alphabetical order.
  • AUTHOR (Z-A) - The comments are sorted by author name in the reverse alphabetical order.