Using direct and indirect contact information as data filter

You can have a number of members on your Xpand Portal. At the same time, you can be exporting data from a number of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central databases to your Xpand Portal. It is possible to limit access to data each member will have in addition based on related contact, in addition to other access-restriction methods on the portal, such as permissions. On Xpand Portal integrated with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, with the purpose of data access limiting, for each portal member you can assign a number of related contacts, which can be represented by Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central contact numbers. There related contact numbers can be used as a means of filtering relevant data that portal member will have access to.

In Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, the contact-related information can be found on the majority of header tables, which is important if you are exporting documents. Whenever contact information is not available, either customer, vendor or bank account information is present in the transactions in most of the cases. In Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, you can create a contact business relation for each of these entities, so that contact will be indirectly related to a transaction, even if this contact is not directly specified in it.

When setting up export entities, you will need to include different sets of tables, fields and table relations, and indentations, depending on whether you want to use direct contact information or related contacts information for filtering relevant data on Xpand Portal.

Direct contact information

By direct contact information, it is implied that the contact information is present directly in the record, i.e. the Contact No. field (or other field the value of which contact number) is available in the base table.


A Base table is the first line in a portal entity with the Table source type. The rest of the table lines can be created and linked to the base table via table relations to provide additional relevant information. 

For example, if an exact match for contact number (the Contact No. field value) from the Sales Header table cannot be found among related contacts of a portal member, the member will not have access to a record. When setting up a portal entity, make sure to include the Contact No. field

Case Xpand Portal - Related Contacts BC - Sales Header, Contact No. Access to data




CT00001 Yes
2 CT00004 No

Indirect contact information

By indirect contact information, it is implied that the contact number either does not exactly match or is not available at all in a record, i.e. the Contact No. field is not available in the base table.


A Base table is the first line in a portal entity with the Table source type. The rest of the table lines can be created and linked to the base table via table relations to provide additional relevant information.

For example, for contact number (the Contact No. field value) from the Sales Header table cannot be found among related contacts of a portal member, the member can still have access to a record, if its related contacts have business relation to vendor, customer or bank account in the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central database.

Case Xpand Portal - Related Contacts BC - Sales Header, Customer No. Contact Business Relation exists Access to data




200555 Yes Yes
2 306570 No No