View personalization

Xpand Portal provides a slew of functions that are available out of the box and can help you personalize the way data is shown on a portal grid page. A personalized view will only be available for the portal member who created that personalization.

In this chapter, you will learn how to:


The availability of actions on a portal grid page is regulated by permissions for that page. Thus, for an action to be available on the grid page for a portal member, this action must be added to the page and allowed in permissions for the member group, to which the portal member is assigned.

Advanced personalization directly from the front end

In addition to view personalization, Xpand Portal allows portal members to perform advanced personalization of pages directly from the front end, which enables portal members to rearrange page elements, change the width of a page element, duplicate a page element, delete page elements, and open the settings of a page element in CMS. To access advanced personalization settings in the front end, you must also be signed in to CMS at the same time on the same PC.


In contrast to view personalization, changes made to a page using advanced personalization will be visible for all portal members.